Saturday, April 30, 2011

1937 Wood Memorial

Date: May 1, 1937   

Length: 8 furlongs + 70 yards 
For: 3 year olds 
Location: Jamaica, New York

Had an interesting race in the Wood Memorial. I've been tinkering around with a modified version of the quick play version. For this race I used the quick play charts but rolled three speed rolls for each horse.

Flying Scot and Pompoon ran neck and neck through the first third of the race. Pompoon took a half-length lead at the 2/3rds mark, but Flying Scot lived up to his name catching Pompoon in the final segment and finishing ahead of him by a half-length.

Melodist was the best of the rest of the field, but never challenged the two front-runners finishing 5 lengths behind.

1. Flying Scot    1:39.6    $32.00  $17.00  $9.50
2. Pompoon                            2.60   2.30
3. Melodist                                  9.50
4. Sir Damion
5. Clodion
6. Rudie
7. Merry Maker
8. Chicolorado
9. Gurkha
10. Jewell Dorsett

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